MapPro Platinum | MapPro7 | MapSight | Shoppers Database
Allows users to import data into our applications from any source. Analyze books of business from your Policy Admin System, Agency Application or other data sources in real-time to accurately evaluate your existing position. Used in conjunction with MarketBuilder, can easily provide insight on how marketing groups may or may not be profitable now or in the future based on current market conditions.
Want to learn more?   Schedule a personalized demo
 Pricing Analysts
 Takes Your Book of Business and
   Converts to Quotes

 Creates New Quotes or Updates
   Existing Quotes

 Inability to Accurately Evaluate the
   Performance and Market Position of existing
   Book of Business Competitive Analysis

 Lost Opportunity
 Reduced Profitability
 Manually Analyzing Current Book
 Using Ineffective Programming Tools
 Real Time Evaluation of Existing Book of

 Ability to Import Data from any Source
 Real-Time Evaluation of Market Position
 Increase Profitability and Stability of Existing