MapPro Platinum | MapPro7 | MapSight | Shoppers Database
Add new markets, variables, base rate and relativity factors to compare a proposed filing against your current rates, as well as current competitors operating in your same states. Also used to measure win/loss when entering new jurisdiction, helping attain a focused sales effort in areas where you know you are competitive. Puts the control in carriers’ hands to manage their rate making process.
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 Pricing Analysts
 Projects Future Metrics, Performance
   and Trends.

 Limited "What If" Capabilities to Compare
   Current Rates vs. Proposed Filings

 Limited Management of Rate Making

 Difficult to Make Informed
   Competitive Changes to
   your Rating and Underwriting

 Lack of Carrier Control and
   Focused Sales Efforts

Manually Creating New Rates Without Effect
 Improves Competitive Posture, Maximizes Revenue.
 Measures Wins and Losses for Projected New

 Performs "What If" Analysis.
 Analyzes Current Rates vs. Proposed Filings.
 Allows you to Competitively Price Business.
 Reduces Response Time.
 Improve Rate Effectiveness.
 Evaluate New Markets.